Organic, Organo-metallic, and Medicinal Chemistry
The participants suggested the following future collaborations:
Creation of instrument and resources directories.
Development of student and postdoctoral exchanges in laboratories across borders.
Sharing of technical materials.
Establishment of career development workshops, especially for the editing of proposals and manuscripts.
Science and Technology Education
The following proposals for future collaboration were introduced:
Translation of curricular materials for secondary school teachers into other local languages.
Creation of a web-based site for students to ask questions of chemists in English, Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, or French.
Development of educational modules on chemical, biological, and nuclear safety and security.
Establishment of a chat box for teachers to examine critical and creative thinking, and informal scientific activities.
Expansion of computer-based programs to translate sign language for science for hearing-impaired students.
Environment, Air and Water Quality
A proposal titled: “Maintenance and Operation of Water Wells in the Lower Jordan River Valley” is being written by a group of Palestinian and Israeli participants.